Friday, October 29, 2010

Four Year Old Preschool Party

The four year old party was another hit.  We had an assortment of costumes this time with pirates winning the popularity contest.  They played games and ate some treats and seemed to have a great time!

Thursday, October 28, 2010

Three year old preschool party.

 The three year old halloween party was a success.  We played lots of games and decorated some pumpkins.  The kids all looked so cute in thier costumes!

We played musical chairs as our last game.  It took a little while until the children got the hang of what you were supposed to do.  After they finally realized the meaning of the game is was so cute to watch them play.

Thursday, October 21, 2010

Preschool Blog

I have decided to start a blog to keep parents more in touch with what is going on inside the preschool.  Eventually the blog will replace the notes going home to parents but for now you will be getting both.  It would be greatly appreciated if you could check the blog once a week for any updates.  Thanks so much, Mrs. Krissi.