Tuesday, November 1, 2011

3 year old Halloween Party

 They were all so excited to show me thier costumes.

They were even more proud of thier pumpkins.  

Four Year old Halloween Party

 They all looked so cute in thier costumes.
 Decorating our pumpkins
 Decorating our cookies.  Trying to protect our costumes.
 Just one of the lovely cookies.  They all looked pretty similar.
Musical Chairs

Friday, October 7, 2011

Field Trip

 If you notice none of the kids wanted to stand by the firefighter.  They were all a little unsure of him in his equipment.

Almost all the kids walked through the firetruck.  Not all would stop long enough for me to take a picture.

Wednesday, October 5, 2011

Field trip reminder

I just wanted to send a reminder that we have a field trip to the firehouse this Friday for the four year old class.  I am still in need of two parents to come and help with the field trip.  If you would be willing to come and help it would be greatly appreciated.  Also please dress your kids for the weather we will be walking.

Monday, September 19, 2011

Silly Shoe Day

Lots of kids wore mismatched shoes.  Those who didn't decided to take one shoe off for the day. 

Silly Sock Day

I was told by most of the moms that this was such an easy day for thier preschooler because they always wanted to wear mismatched socks.

Silly Clothes Day

It is kind of hard to tell from the picture but most of the kids dressed up this day.  We had lots of backwards clothes and mismatched clothes that are kind of hard to see.  The kids liked being able to dress silly.

Tuesday, September 13, 2011

Silly Hair Day

It's kind of hard to tell in this picture but the liitle one sitting down hair blue and green hair.  The two boys were so excited that they both had blue in thier hair.

Silly Hat Day

Some of us couldn't find our silly hats so we had to just wear normal hats.  Overall the kids loved seeing each others hats silly or not.

Saturday, September 10, 2011

Picture Day

We will be having a picture day the 21st of September for the four year olds and the 22nd for the 3 year olds.  There will be a reminder note going home closer to these days.

Silly Week

This coming week is Silly Week. 

Monday- Silly Hat Day
Tuesday- Silly Hair Day
Wednesday-Silly Clothes Day
Thursday- Silly Sock Day
Friday- Silly Shoes Day

These days are just for fun for the children.  If they don't want to wear a silly hat day they can wear a hat and so on so forth for every day.  I hope to see a lot of silly kids this week as we learn more about each of them.

Monday, August 29, 2011

Welcome Back!

I was so excited to get the school year started again.  This is my beautiful and silly four year old class!

Monday, April 25, 2011

Field trip reminder

Just a reminder that we have a field trip on Wednesday.  This will be a traveling field trip so I will need your child's car seat or booster.  Thanks, krissi

Four Year Old Easter Party

 The bunny hop races.
 They were all frantic looking for eggs.
 Pin the tail on the bunny.
 The egg race